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Invisible Reality

worldsciencefestivalworldsciencefestival·30 vídeos
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Subido el 12/01/2009

Check out videos, Festival information, and more at http://worldsciencefestival.com

Proposed a century ago to better explain the mind-bending behavior of the smallest constituents of the universe, quantum theory has implications far beyond the atom. This rich set of laws has applications both practical and extraordinary — from the technology that has revolutionized modern life to the possibility of parallel worlds.

Our audience joined Alan Alda as he accompanied Brian Greene, Nobel Laureate William Phillips and other leading thinkers at the vanguard of quantum research on an accessible multimedia exploration of the astounding weirdness of the quantum world.

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  • hellaskydon

    What happens when you open both boxes at the same time?

    · 46
  • laserspatula

    a quantum joke! he he

    · 24

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  • Strange Charm

    SR and GR imply there is no such thing as at the same time. Beside that you would see the same phenomenon.

    · en respuesta a hellaskydon (Mostrar el comentario)
  • storyb23

    Is there a full video?? I want to see this. Don't tell me I can't buy it because it's strictly exclusive to the world science festival

  • storyb23


    · en respuesta a kirter23 (Mostrar el comentario)
  • Erika Estrada

    I like how it looks like he's doing the wobble when he's explaining the movement of 2 different particles, each spinning 50% up and down.

  • Ryan L


    · en respuesta a hellaskydon (Mostrar el comentario)
  • Diego Pereira

    I know Zero exists... But the concept doesn't apply, that is why you can't divide by Zero, because you can't divide something in NO parts (try to imagine something being divided in no parts)... It's the concept of dividing that does not apply to the Zero number.

    · en respuesta a zapikachu (Mostrar el comentario)
  • DubTurboDigital

    god he lost me at about 0:30!

  • kpsimon189

    you cant because even if you get really really close...there come the heisenberg uncertainty principle and therefore u will be uncertain which u open first lol

    · en respuesta a hellaskydon (Mostrar el comentario)
  • andyrew001

    Mash came on the tv while i was watching this video =O

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